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[pyrnet] Chat: Animals ARE like kids!

Something cute, and ironic I thought I'd share...the next time someone razes
me about how my animals are like children to me, I'll show them proof!

You know how we have had conversations on the different tones and meanings
of a dogs bark? Well mine has a distinct "tattletale" bark/whine!

Turbo our 7yr old Pyr, is rather submissive with both humans and other
animals....I hesitate to use the word "submissive" to describe her...maybe
amiable is better. But if in a pack of more dominant animals, she appears
more than happy to take on the roll of the subservient.

Case in point...our cat Megan is the supreme ruler of this house...no matter
how much I try to convince myself otherwise ;) Once she gets to know a dog,
she is completely fine with them and even curls up with them to sleep.

But in no uncertain terms she lets them know SHE is alpha!

If Megan wants to eat from the dogs bowls...they just back off and whine
till I send her on her way.

She also gets annoyed sometimes if Turbo starts her barking, and will calmly
walk up to her, stand on her hind legs and "slap" her in the face as if to
say...shut up!!! Honestly!

She does not use her nails or scratch her...just slaps her matter-of-factly.
Even funnier is Turbo listens immediately! She (shocked) just lays down or
walks away quietly....Huh!?

Now if I could only get Megan to do this on command! LOL!

Well, Turbo has figured out a way to get her back, by "telling mom on her"
when she naughty.

I could be upstairs or in the other room, and I KNOW by the sound of Turbo's
voice that Megan is doing something she's not supposed to. Like getting on
the counter, table...getting into the garbage etc.

Each and everytime Turbo has used this distinct bark...sometimes running
back and forth to me with a "come look!" in her expression...Megan is indeed
caught in the act!

Megan will get in trouble and Turbo has this complete look of satisfaction
on her face....like "tell me to shut up will ya!" LOL!

Yep! Sounds just like my three human girls!

Just thought it was cute, and wanted to share.
