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Re: [pyrnet] Kongs

I fill a kong with some hard to reach peanut butter and then freeze it before 
giving it to my dogs. They love the hard cold treat.
 Oh, just wanted to add that my friend's malamute ate the dog house. I don't 
mean chewed it, I mean CONSUMED it.  My pyrs have eaten the shingles off the 
back of the house, the bottom stair on a wooden staircase and once when my 
husband and I were househunting we left my pyr Argus in my father-in-law's laundry 
room. When we came home and drove the car into the garage there was Argus's 
head . Seems he had eaten through the sheetrock and insulation and was now 
mounted like a moose head in the laundry/garage wall. Big dogs eat big things!  
Roz, Mellow, Harley and Chundo