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Re: Re: [pyrnet] Pig Ears

Ginger, I'm HAPPY to have your 2 cents thrown in!  I guess what I was asking is which bones (animal-wise), specifically.I've never given any of my dogs pork bones as I've always heard they're too soft.  Then again, I never gave them any of the beef soup bones raw, always par boiled them.

Ginger Schiffer <lhasalady@earthlink.net> wrote:
"""Tracy, which bones do you feel are the best? Since Angel is nearly a year old and is a "dainty" eater (nibbler in fact) I think she's ready to move up to real bones. """

I'm not Tracy but thought I'd toss in my 2 cents worth. Both my 2.5yo TM and my 9mo Pyr get raw bones. I buy them from a local meat store where they are sold as dog bones. Does that make sense? I mean they are not for soup or anything. They are all big, solid bones with just a little meat left on. My 2 LOVE them! The bad thing is it doesn't take long before the backyard looks like a murder scene.

Ginger Schiffer
Tracy, which bones do you feel are the best?  Since Angel is nearly a year old and is a "dainty" eater (nibbler in fact) I think she's ready to move up to real bones. 

Tracy <espinay@bigpond.com> wrote:

Pigs ears have been subject to several recalls in the last few years due to
salmonella contamination. This is basically not an issue for the dogs, but
can be an issue for people handling them (in particular children, elderly
and immune compromised). People should be aware when handling any dog
treats that basic food handling hygiene practices (wash your hands!) needs
to be carried out.

Personally I consider treats like pigs ears to be a much better option than
things like rawhides, but no where near as good or healthful as a nice juicy
raw bone from the butcher.


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