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RE: [pyrnet] dominance issue

I have a question about the dominance issue.  Eliza was three years old when I got Olympia (4 month old pyr/kuvasz mix).  They have been together for almost 4 years now.  I did everything I could to show Olympia that Eliza was the dominant one.  Olympia has slowly but surely taken over.  Luckily, there have been no fights, but Eliza seems to recognize the "evil eye" and other body language that Olympia exhibits.  So basically, they have worked things out so that as unfair as I feel it is, Eliza seems to accept Olympia as the dominant one. 

My question is...because of my feelings I still treat Eliza first with dinner, treats, petting, etc.  It doesn't seem to matter too much, but should I give in and treat Olympia first instead?  I would hate to have any issues develop in the future. 

 Thanks in advance for your advice.

Pam with Eliza and Olympia in Dallas

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