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Re: [pyrnet] Great Pyrnees and Horses?

Hi Whitney,
My experience has been that pyrs will protect the property,  which includes the horses....but pyrs are not very "horse smart".   They are not very careful about where they position themselves with regard to the horses and I fear for the dog's safety at times.   Also, when I am working a horse in the round pen, I have a pyr that wants to chase the horse while lungeing which is not a good thing....potential for head injury to the dog if the horse decides to "fire" at the dog with his back feet.  I have not had any accidents, but I know of someone who lost a pyr from head trauma due to a horse kick.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 10:20 AM
Subject: [pyrnet] Great Pyrnees and Horses?


I just joined the list, and I'm wondering if a Pyr is the dog for me.  I'm looking for a guard dog for my horses.  It would also be a pet and treated well, just have a job.

We are just about to move and there is a pack of coyotes that run pretty close and the previous owner has seen a bobcat around the barn at night.  I've got horses and one young foal.  I raise horses and next year I'll have quite a few young ones.  I've also got cats and a few kittens and an eight week old puppy that will probably mature around 30-40 pounds, we aren't sure what breed he is, but he's a stock/herding type dog of sorts. 

Do Pyr's feel the instinct to protect horses?  I've heard that they usually don't have any problems with cats, how about kittens?  Are Pry's bad to run off and not come back?  It would need to run free range, my horses are pastured in several different fields.

If any of you guys have had experience with Pyrs and horses I would appreciate hearing from you. 

Also, I live in Southwest Missouri, I would want an adult Pyr, does anyone know of any rescues or breeders that might have an adult?

Thank you

Whitney McIntire