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Re: [pyrnet] [dthoele1@hotmail.com: Entry to Guestbook]

We have our second male pyr, Charlie and the shedding is substantial because the dog is big.  When we had three dogs, a yellow lab, a black lab and a pyr, we had rainbow hair balls so it was not as obvious.  Now years later with just Charlie, when we go to Puppy Class at the SPCA, there are white furs balls flying when he plays with the other dogs.  With a Great Dane, a St Bernard and a Pyr (all 6 to 8 months old) playing as only big dogs can, it seems that Charlie is the only one leaving hair behind although it is not apparent where it is coming from.  Brushing everyday helps but does not stop it.  

As far as furniture and clothing choices, I find it does not matter what the color is, as much as the texture.  Smooth surfaces are easier to clean, cut pile carpet vacuums easier, fur flies across wood floors, and tweeds, while they hide the hair, tend to hold the hair too.  A berber rug is a cleaning nightmare.

Charlie barks a moderate amount.  He is usually looking at something when he barks not barking at something he hears - unless it is the children next door calling him.  Can't seem to break the children of that habit.  I am trying to train Charlie to "ignore it" but it is difficult.  Jascha barked at things he could hear but not necessariily see.  Jascha barked if other dogs in the neighborhood barked, Charlie does not.   With Jascha though I learned that  no matter how many dogs are barking, it is the Pyr voice that is recognized.  Much like the Malamute my parents had whose howl could be heard three blocks away.   Yuki did like to howl at a full moon, it wasn't just a myth for him.

> "I would like some advice from anyone regarding how much shedding is typical
> and how is it controlled; at this point he is not a barker, when does this
> start; any other suggestions for maintaining a Pyr in the house."
> We have had both female and male Pyrs.  With our two, the female shed much
> more than our male does, although he still sheds plenty I'm guessing for
> most people's tastes.  As far as controlling the shedding, the best advice I
> can give you is to abandon the color black entirely and move toward lighter
> neutral colors in clothing, carpeting and furniture (I'm not kidding..we
> did!).  With our male, daily brushing might help control the shedding to
> some degree, but with our female it was a losing battle and daily vacuuming
> was necessary.  We got a Kirby vacuum cleaner because of our female!
> Yeesh...expensive but we've had it for years now and it works great on dog
> hair.
> The female was also much more of a barker than our male is.  In fact, our
> male is now 2 years old and believe it or not...he never barks.  In our
> house, the female and the male were two extremes...the female barked all the
> time, and now the male never barks at all.  I actually missed the
> barking...felt safer with the female because of it...that's how we came to
> get our shepherd!  : )
> Beth
> Worf (GP), Kali (GSD) and Kira (Pug)
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Richard Rognlie" <rrognlie@gamerz.net>
> To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:45 PM
> Subject: [pyrnet] [dthoele1@hotmail.com: Entry to Guestbook]
> > ----- Forwarded message from Deanne  <dthoele1@hotmail.com> -----
> >
> > Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 21:44:59 -0400
> > Reply-to: dthoele1@hotmail.com (Deanne )
> > From: dthoele1@hotmail.com (Deanne )
> > Subject: Entry to Guestbook
> >
> > You have a new entry in your guestbook:
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------
> > We have acquired a GP to replace our aging Anatolian Shepherd to used as a
> guardian for our sheep.  The only problem is that the GP has never made it
> outside as we have enjoyed him too much in the house.  He is housebroken and
> learning basic obedience commands very quickly.  I would like some advice
> from anyone regarding how much shedding is typical and how is it controlled;
> at this point he is not a barker, when does this start; any other
> suggestions for maintaining a Pyr in the house.  My husband and I are not
> new to the world of dogs, only new to this particular breed.  Any
> information would be greatly appreciated
> > Deanne  <dthoele1@hotmail.com>
> > Watson, Il USA - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 at 21:44:59 (EDT)
> > ------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > ----- End forwarded message -----
> >
> > -- 
> >  /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja / Gamerz.NET Lackey
> >  \__/  \ | http://www.gamerz.net/~rrognlie    <rrognlie at gamerz.net>
> >  /  \__/ |      I didn't say it was your fault,
> >  \__/    |      I only said I was going to blame you for it
> >
> >
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