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Re: [pyrnet] Fw: Happy Birthday

Dear Nancy,

Happy Birthday to Molly!. What a wonderful story to read as we start out with a new Pyr puppy. We are so hopeful to have her for a good long time and reading about Molly gives us great hope. Thanks for writing about your wonderful dog. And thanks for the marshmallow hint.

Candice Macbeth (Maine)
and puppy Pearl.

 >      Happy  Birthday  today  to  Sunny Hollows  Molly of  Oak  who
 the  milestone  of  10 years  old.  Ms  Molly  Mushmellow is  still  doing
 quite  well,  albeit  a bit  slower  than in  times past.  It  may take  a
 bit  longer  to  get  moving due  to  back end   aging,  and  she  now
a ramp to get into the van, but let a stranger come to the
 or  a  rabbit   into  the  yard,  and  it  is  amazing  to  watch  the
 instant  energy spurt.
      She  is  still  alpha over Bosco,  the  6 yo Newfie/shep,  who  she
 literally  raised from the  age of 4  weeks.  They are  best  buds,  and
 is  interesting  to  watch  the  inspection upon  return  home when  one
 has  gone someplace  such as  the  vets without  the other.
      She  had  her  turns in  the  show  ring,  but  she  had  the
 that  she  could  take it  or  leave it,  and  when  my  health  took a
 decline,  we  decided  for  the  latter.  About  that  time,  my  then
 toddler  twin  grandaughters  arrived and  she  really  is  the  reason
 that  they know   so  much  about  dogs  and  now how  to  act  and handle
 them.  At the  same  time,  she  is  so  attune  to  my health  status,
 becomes  velcro  when  my  breathing  is  not right,  and  even  head
 butting  me  awake when I   have  started  with  an  asthma  attack  in

To this day, Molly hates baths and water in general.
summers on cape cod, we just dont take her to the beach anymore
she will tow anyone at the other end of the leash up the sand
o safety.. Bosco, on the other hand, cant get into the water
 enough,  and  I  dont  care  to  demonstrate    spread  eagles.  We  have
 had  times when  she,  realizing she was on a  pier  over water,  has
 droped  down  and  crawled on  her  belly back  to  safety.
      One  quirky  fear  Molly  has  had,  and   demonstrated  every Fall
 that  she  is  afraid  of  real  pumpkins.  She  barks,  she growls,  and
 she  scoots  away  from  them.  The  scarecrows and  goblins  do  not
 her in  the  least,  but  pumpkins.................
      Healthwise,  about  the  only  non-annual visits  to  the  vets  over
 the  years have  been  for  occassional  UTIs.  Yes,  now  the  back  end
 is  definitely  weakened w  age,   but  daily glucosamine/chondrotin seems
 to  help.  BTW,  we  have  found  that  the  easiesst  way  to  get  her
 take  them as  well as  any other  med is  inside  a  marshmellow,  which
 just  the  sight of  the  bag brings her to you  eagerly.  She  does  have
 a  fatty  tumor on  oone  of  her  hindlegs  that  has  been  there  for
 some  time,  has  been  biopsied a  couple  times,  and  the  decision
 that  as  long  as it  does not  change,  at  her  age  it  is not  worth
 the  anesthsia  risk.  She  does have  a  reputation  at  the  vets
 of  being  able  to  shapeshift herself  into a  ball under  a  chair at
 the  thought  of  anyone  who  wants  to  look into  her  ears.  They  can
 do  anything  else to  her,  but  not  the  ears.

 Happy  Birthday  my  sweet  girl,  and  may  God  Bless  you  with  many


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