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[pyrnet] Combs and growing pains

We have a number of combs and brushes that we use.  For normal grooming we use a pin brush with pretty deep pins (brand is "#1 All Systems") and --believe it or not-- a large, wide horse brush with plastic teeth.
For mats we have a scythe type of mat splitter.  However, we have found that a good dose of "The Stuff" to a matted area makes easy work of the matt with nearly any comb.
We also have a rake that we use on the longest hair.  This rake has rotating teeth so it does not pull the further quite so easily.
Growing pains-
It sounds like your young fellow has Panosteisis (sp??) or wandering lameness.  Yes, definitely get him off puppy chow and have him take it easy for about 2 weeks.  Barb helped us out on this one years ago...she suggested giving Brewers Yeast and Garlic tablets.  We did and it truly seemed to help our Pyr.  You might want to consider it.
Keith, Soo, Dusty, and Romy