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Re: [pyrnet] CHAT: A Good Day for Old Dogs, Recovering Dogs and Puppies

It is great to hear that Toby is doing so well after his operation. We weren't so fortunate when we decided to have our 8 year old Golden Jakes leg amputated due to bone cancer also, he unfortunately did not wake up from the anaesthetic, it was all just too much for him...that your Toby is doing so well is amazing :o) Ski is also doing the best that she can with Sampson, sometimes it is just too much for these seniors to tolerate the young bucks...our 10 year old Pyr Toby is very selective about when he wants our 14 month old Golden Hannah  around him, he reprimanded her once, she had obviously overstepped the mark and she is a little more careful around him now but she still thinks he is the cats meow!!!
Jo, Toby and Hannah(Golden)
-------Original Message-------
Date: 04/17/05 23:00:03
Subject: [pyrnet] CHAT: A Good Day for Old Dogs, Recovering Dogs and Puppies
 Well, things are looking better around Night Sky Farm.  Today, Toby (10 yrs old - bone cancer, amputation of left front leg on April 5th) was wagging and being so much more himself.  I had to CHASE him down when he headed down the driveway! 
And 13 year old Ski , is looking much better considering her age, and we've been letting 15 week old Sampson out with her in the evening, hoping she will show him the LGD ropes!  She is tolerating him with much better spirit.  Tonight, she was trying to head to the end of the pasture (she saw something that needed a Pyr investigation) and he was really impeding her progress ("oh wow.. fun out here... let's play.. there's mud... let's wrestle!!!!").  She gave him an appropriate warning.. then in his excitement he bounced into her and she went down (she's pretty weak in the back end and she only weighs about 65 pounds now.  Sampson is already about 40 lbs).  She got up and went for him .. not mean, just like "Ok.. that's enough you young whipper-snapper!".  We watched carefully from the window. and then.... Ski went into PLAY mode!  It was so heartwarming.  She bounced at him (she doesn't bounce much anymore).  We were so excited.  Bless old Ski's heart.  With Toby still recovering, perhaps my old girl has stepped up to the plate.
All in all, I'm grateful for this day and the progress by the old and the young.
Linda  ,Night Sky Farm
Stanwood, Wash.
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