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RE: [pyrnet] Advice needed: marking territory

Hi.  Thanks for your response.  I tried closing him off to the back of the house with a baby gate, but he cried so much I took it down.  He likes to "patrol" the whole house at night.  He's great all other times, even when left at home alone.  It's just started, and I'm thinking there has to be something that's making him do it.  Our neighborhood does have alot of dogs, and the people don't seem to care if they roam around the area.  I saw a pyr mix the other day jump over my neighbor's fence and mate with their dog.   The fences here are mostly rock walls, anywhere from 4-6 ft. tall.  Who knows what is going on with Cam, but hopefully we'll be able to stop it soon!

Elaine Ferreira <ferreirae@earthlink.net> wrote:
<< Our pyr, Cam (approx. 1 1/2 yrs old), has decided that he wants to mark his territory in the house. >>
Hi Patty, if you don't currently have a crate, is there some other way that you can restrict him during the night for a period of time. Close him in your bedroom while you are sleeping or something like that. Keep an eye on him while he is free to roam, especially when he is near those blinds. 
Elaine and Pico 

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