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[pyrnet] RE: pyrnet-l-digest.20050612

This was previously posted on the list and I have kept it on hand as
skunks are common here in the Texas Panhandle.

De-Skunking Solution

One quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
One-fourth cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
One teaspoon liquid soap

Begin by wetting the animal down, then apply the mixture and work it
through the animal's hair. Leave the solution on three to four minutes,
and finish with a tap water rinse.

Please make up only as much as you will need to use at any one time. Do
make the solution ahead of time and store it, because the combination
explode.  I suppose you could make up the soda and soap in a quart
bottle and tape it to a couple bottles of peroxide for storage for

Jackie Lee Mowery and Belle (here), Balthazar (kitty,), Millie Me-Too
(kitty,) and Glory (kitty.), and the cats (You're a funny kitty!)

-----Original Message-----
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 07:59:18 -0500
From: gwgibbs@multipro.com
Subject: [pyrnet] skunk spray

Hello all.....

My pyr got sprayed by a skunk....YUCK!!!!!    How do I get rid of the
smell????   Isn't it with tomato juice???  Please advise and thanks!