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Re: [pyrnet] chat: True Or False

My pyrs have never slept on my bed - by their choice - there are times when the house has been chilly that I would have welcomed them.
They do sleep as close to me as possible - under my feet at my desk or next to the bed.  When my son was a baby my dogs circled his crib and tiptoed in and out of  his room.
The funniest story was from a friend who dog sat for a few days for me.  One dog particulary liked to sleep under the bed (the bed is high) and snores.  When I came home she told me about waking up with a start because "It sounded like there was an ANIMAL in the room".
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2005 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] chat: True Or False

Of all the Pyrs who have "owned me," only one, Echo, preferred to sleep on the bed. And that he did, indeed. Others slept where THEY felt appropriate. Usually as CLOSE to the bed as possible. Or on my feet as I sit at the computer. Or right next to the Lazy Boy, should I fall asleep there.

And after all. Don't all Pyr People understand that they know more than we do?!