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[pyrnet] chat: we're back

Hi All,
Larry and I returned from London on Monday PM.
Looking back , I have several things to say about London: the first 3 being :
#1 it's cold
#2 it's very cold
#3 There has to be something amiss when a person has to dress up  like a mummy just to go outside, then try to un-dress for the necessary chores,(ie: bathroom), or to take off gloves in order to use hands for sorting paperwork , ( whereby chancing frostbite, as the hands instantly freeze )
It was quite clear to Me that I was * NOT * in Florida~~~~~
Aside from the rain/cold/wind/ice/snow, I must tell You that London is absolutley wonderful~~The buildings,(  some are older than all of Us put together~~the archetecture is awesome) the history,(I felt that I was standing in the presense of many that had gone on before )~~~~~ the food,( I tried everything that I could get My hands on, ( as atested to by My weight scale )~~good. solid, very good tasting food~the kind of food that You reach for when it's cold, the kind of food that  "pulls no punches"~the kind of food that means You want MORE of the same~~
~~~~~~~~~and~~~~~~~Guinness Stout is an excellant drink at the pubs ~~~~contrary to popular belief, it is not served warm , but rather slightly chilled~~it has a very much more acceptable taste than the stout that We have over here~~( even Larry was impressed , and He hates Stout )~There are very few large resturants in London~~~Most are small, "pop in" types with excellant food, but little "elbow room"~~Coffee,tea, Hot chocolate, soup, ( all hot), are served to those that "scurry in" from the weather~~
WE lucked out with the weather:::: We were there for 10 days~~~~2 days of our stay was marked with a light rain, and 1 day was marked with snow , ( which melted when it hit the ground~
The  Brits were some of the most polite people that I have ever met~~~and there was No hesitation on their part to  offer help if one even looks confused~~~~in the pubs, a converstaion was "stuck up" with no problem, in fact, it was expected .
Christmas was very quiet, New years was not~Larry and I were advised to be in Trafalger Square ( same as Times Square over here), for New years, but, after taking a look before hand, We stayed inside~ there were over 150,000 in the square for New Year's Eve~~
And so, it looks like We may go for another visit ( but this time , it will be in the Summer )  <G>
To make this "dog related"~~~by the time that We got back to the States, I was suffering Major Dog Withdrawal~ We never got out of London proper, so no Great Pyrenees to be seen, but~~~
We got back to Orlando, Florida and the first thing that I see is this big, white, polar bear standing outside with His "person"~~the bag pick up had to wait~~Snoopy and I "bonded for over 10 minutes~~ 

" We need not think alike to Love alike "