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[pyrnet] DM

Have any or you had any personal experience with Degenerative Myelopathy? Our rescue group has taken in a GSD with it and when I went to the University of Fl vet school website, one of the breeds mentioned as probably having some issues with it were Great Pyrenees. This 7-8 year old girl has had hip surgery since with got her for severe dysplasia and it seemed to activate her DM. The poor girl has been boarded all of her life and I would like to give her the best we can for the time that she has remaining. She is souweet, but very neurotic and although  she is not vicious, she has never learned basic dog social skills. My husband says that she is like the child in the class who blurts out all of the wrong things at the wrong times. Our funds are very limited and we have 11 other dogs and 4 cats in our small house, but we will do whatever we can. Because of our numbers we are unable to do a homecooked diet, but we do use a high quality dog food with human grade ingredients and no artificial additives/ preservatives. At present I am adding B vitamins, vitamin C, fish oil, canola oil and vitamin E w/selenium to her diet. There is a pharmacy near the University of FL call Westlake, which has formulated the supplements and pharmaceuticals that they use at the vet school at what is called an affordable price and I plan to speak with my vet and Westlake about the costs of pursuing that avenue. They believe that the disease is the same as MS in people and that it is caused by a combination of genetics and toxins. After this dose of Ivermec, I plan to go to the daily hw meds as is recommended. I would appreciate any advice that you can give me.

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