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RE: [pyrnet] Killer Mushrooms

I had a Black Lab who was very hyperactive her whole life.  My vet knew her – and knew my husband – and prescribed Valium.  It was for whichever one I could get it into but most often it was the dog.  It really did help.  I was very conflicted about medicating the dog, but it was a matter of life with us or not.   


From: owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org [mailto:owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org] On Behalf Of BDrube1441@aol.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3:31 PM
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Killer Mushrooms


So sad. Thank you for the links. I thought that poisonous mushrooms were rare until now. On a lighter note, we have a crazy Lab mix who came to our house  three years ago and is a fabulous example of no good deed goes unpunished. In one incident he pulled away from my daughter on a walk and crashed head first into the back door of a car, causing $500.00 damage. There are just so many Mr. Wiggles stories in the family lore. last Spring he started having bloody diarrhea and just acted weird-nicer and calmer : ) I called our vet and he, knowing the dog, put him on Baytril injections for eating indiscretions-a common problem with him. Two days later we caught him eating mushrooms on the firewood and then again looking stoned. We cleaned them all off, but were conflicted, as the past few days had been so much more peaceful at our house. We never realized how dangerous they actually were! We are grateful to the people who warned us and so sorry for those who have been effected by this tragedy. One wonders that this has not been more publicized as children, as well as pets could easily be poisoned.


In a message dated 9/23/2009 12:30:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time, jsmiller@newmex.com writes:
