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[pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20091210-1

I do. All of our dogs are rescues, but they include a Golden mik, a GSD, 
and of course the Pyrs. I have never heard of any bad side effects and
although  it's not like I have money to throw away, I feel that is the worst that
could  happen, I also give them fish oil and vitamin C. There is a new shot
(at least  to me) for dogs already suffering from joint problems which
increases the  synovial fluids in dogs who already have joint problem. Apparently
it was  developed originally for horses. Our three year old Golden mix
already has had  one hip done and now the other is bad. We are trying the shots,
which need to be  given weekly at first and then tapered off with him. He
was nin such pain he had  not been eating and within a week his appetite was
back to normal.


The shot for animals is Adequan.  It was developed and used for race horses whose cartilege had been worn away.  Several years ago I used it for my two collies, and it was very effective.  They each got a series of 4-5 shots, and after about the second shot I could tell an improvement.  With Adequan, they could jump on the bed again.  It's expensive, but it's worth it.  You should be able to Google "Adequan" and learn about it.  There are virtually no side effects.


Darla & The Gang (Ginger, 14YO Dobergirl; Coleene, 3YO puppymill Pyr; Bone, 2.5 YO adopted Pyr)