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[pyrnet] Here we go again...

Hi All,


Polar awoke yesterday morning unable to place weight on his right front leg… Heard from the vet that he tested positive for Lyme as well as x-rays showed a lesion on his right ankle… Not sure which of the two are causing the pain but will be able to determine with 24hours of antibiotics if it’s Lyme disease causing the problem… Otherwise, need to have lesion tested… This is just what happened to my girl, she awoke with a large softball on her ankle… He’s not showing as aggressive as a lesion.


Radiologist confirmed late last night that it’s a bone tumor and will have it tested tomorrow to determine the type. The antibiotics have helped though as he’s putting weight on it today.


Very difficult times ahead, yet again… However, for all the love that he’s given, I would do it all over again.


Now, off to the snow…

