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[WW] Digest Mode

        I've been getting frantic emails asking me to implement digest mode
for this list, because people seem to think there isn't one.  This puzzled
me, because as far as I could see, digest mode was implemented and was

        After some poking around, I think I've found the problem:  People
don't know how to subscribe to digest mode.

        To subscribe to the digest version of any Deadlands list, tack on a
"-digest" at the end of the list name.  So, for example, if we announce
"We've just opened a brand new list for Weird Wars!  Just send an email to
esquire@gamerz.net, and put 'SUBSCRIBE weirdwars' in the body of the
email," then "weirdwars" is the name of the mailing list, and subscribing
to "weirdwars" will get you on the regular list.  If you want to be on the
digest version instead, type "SUBSCRIBE weirdwars-digest" in the body of
the list.

        So far as I know, this is the only issue with the digest mode.  If
you there are other issues, please bring them to my attention.  Thanks.

        List Owner/Operator for the various PEG mailing lists