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[WW] Re: [DL] 4th Annual GenCon Pinnacle Listserv Dinner

For those who missed it the first time:

Also: If you have already responded, PLEASE do not do so again. I'm trying 
to get a tentative count so I can call JHP this weekend and get things 

If you have NOT responded, and are planning on attending, please let me know 


>It's just about that time of year again.
>Time to take a break from the gaming festivities and sit down to an evening
>of eating good food, drinking good beer and putting names to faces from the
>Pinnacle mailing lists.
>When:  Thursday August 2nd, 8pm.
>Where:  John Hawkes Pub (directions forthcoming)
>What:   Dinner and merrymaking.
>Unlike Sandor's event, this one is pay as you go. Bring enough cash for 
>and drinks. Dinners are usually around the $5-10 mark.
>I'd like to be able to give John Hawkes a tentative headcount, so we can 
>the left wing, as we had last year. There were quite a few of us, so I'd
>like to be sure we have enough room.
>Please do NOT reply directly to this message. Send me a private e-mail to
>Xotzil@hotmail.com. Please put "DL Dinner" in the subject, so I don't think
>you're yet another Vacation Offer from iamaspammer.com. Please tell me how
>many will be coming with you. Minors are welcome, but PLEASE do not let 
>drink or try to drink.
>Lastly, would someone please crosspost this to the GRW list, and if there 
>one for Fields of Honor, please post this there too.
>Thanks, and hope to see y'all there.
>--Jacques (Chris' friend)
>"Will a broken skeleton key open a broken door?"

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