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Re: [WW] Helloo?

Hello everyone!  I'm a newbie to the list, but I figured I'd comment anyway.
LOL  I was at Origins, and I played both WW and DL D20...  So here are my
thoughts.  Mind you, I'm not always the most objective person in the world,
but you asked, right?  :o)

Deadlands D20:  It was a fun enough game, but it felt like a dungeon crawl
to me.  Our pre-gen characters where wisked along form one combat scene to
the next, with little or no chance for other roleplaying.  For combat, D20
works real smooth, for the rest, I couldn't tell you.  I still think I like
the DL system better, though, just because it is built for the setting, but
that's me.

Weird Wars:  This was my first real look at the game.  Sandor ran our
session, and let me just say, it rocked!  The setting seemed real slick, and
the session moved along very smoothly with a nice blend of roleplaying and
combat.  Of course, there was a good deal of combat, but then, it's a *war*
setting.  LOL  The really impressive thing about D20 that hit me in this
session was the ease with which the GM can modify tasks.  During an attack
by a bat-creature thingie, some of our suad memebers took quite a beating
(myself being attacked form behind and punctured through the back).  When we
asked aobut modifiers because of our damage (or because of earlier failures
to observe), Sandor came up with a general modifier that applied to all
tasks.  Now I don't know if this was just his good GMing or the system, but
it was smooth, and I was very impressed.  This game is on my "must buy"
list, and I'm very anxious for it's release.  JP and I have to start up a
game of it when we get back to college this fall.  :o)

- Buddy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dade" <dade@columbus.rr.com>
To: <weirdwars@gamerz.net>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 10:19 PM
Subject: RE: [WW] Helloo?

> Well mAd...
> The demo of Weird Wars was excellent.
> Myself and 2 other members of my staff played in the demo.
> There are some things that I could see that may need tweaking,
> but otherwise we all enjoyed it.
> Not sure what kind of detailed report you want but if you ask
> some questions perhaps I can answer.
> As for Deadlands D20, I picked up a copy of it at Origins but haven't had
> a chance to read through it all the way. Its convention season for us too,
> so any free time is spent on other things. However one thing that was very
> funny was the number of people interested in Deadlands D20.
> In a game in the Breezeway that I was running Saturday night, I had the
> of DL D20 sitting on the table. Every other person/group that walked by
> made a remark to the effect of "Is that Deadlands D20? Could I have a look
> at it?"
> Even now in the office we've got that as a running joke.
> Any questions, comments?
> Trent Slabaugh
> Publisher - Daedelus Magazine
> Infinet Media
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