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Re: [WW] Helloo?

>Weird Wars:  This was my first real look at the game.  Sandor ran our
>session, and let me just say, it rocked!  The setting seemed real slick, 
>and >the session moved along very smoothly with a nice blend of roleplaying 
>and >combat.  Of course, there was a good deal of combat, but then, it's a 
>*war* >setting.  LOL  The really impressive thing about D20 that hit me in 
>this >session was the ease with which the GM can modify tasks.  During an 
>attack >by a bat-creature thingie, some of our suad memebers took quite a 
>beating >(myself being attacked form behind and punctured through the 
>back).  When we >asked aobut modifiers because of our damage (or because of 
>earlier failures >to observe), Sandor came up with a general modifier that 
>applied to all
>tasks.  Now I don't know if this was just his good GMing or the system, but 
> >it was smooth, and I was very impressed.  This game is on my "must buy" 
> >list, and I'm very anxious for it's release.  JP and I have to start up a 
> >game of it when we get back to college this fall.  :o)
>- Buddy

Yeah, I enjoyed running it. As Lt. Buddy points out, it is a war game so 
there's a lot of combat potential, but I thought that both the characters 
having rank and some of them having "secret knowledge" turned out to be a 
great springboard for players to roleplay through situations. You could 
definitely do a "quieter" session, but since it was an introduction to the 
game, I encouraged people to blow up a lot of stuff.

Modifications were pretty easy from my side of the screen, too. The 
adventure was very well written, spelling out most of the various plusses 
and minuses for succeeding/failing certain saving throws, and using a D20 
rule of thumb (add a temporary +2/-2 to reflect a status change) covered 
everything else. The rules will probably spell out a lot more nifty 
modifiers, but we did pretty well with a streamlined version.

I'm already polishing up the credit card to order this afternoon!

At ease,


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