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Re: [WW] The Warehouse

I am preparing my campaign and am planning on starting it in the africa campaign before america's landings in operation torch.  the pcs will be sent to advise and assist the british in egypt and being the lowly ground pounders that they are the officers will send them out to get the lay of the land while they stay at HQ and hob knob with their british counterparts.  The PCs will get sent out to flank a german OP that has halted a british edvance from the north.  As they sneak in and take out the german artillary OP they stumble upon a german aercheological dig ala raiders of the lost arc.  I haven't decided if the final goal will be to save the artifact from the germans so that the OSI can show up and whisk it off to warehouse 13 or if I want the germans to unleash a mummy that the PCs have to ultimately defeat.
I gathered a lot of good material doing a search on egyptology (pics, maps of tombs and pyramids) and some maps of the south western egyptian desert.
any feed back or suggestions are welcome and when I get it done I will let everybody know in case anyone else is interested in the adventure.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 6:38 AM
Subject: [WW] The Warehouse

An idea, and feel free to add.  Remember the warehouse in Raiders of the Lost Ark? What else could be there?  Or what could be found by the heroes and hidden there?

The Ark of the Covenent
The Dead Sea Scolls
The hidden prophesies of Nostrodamas
Foo Fighter (Martian spaceship from the English landing in the 1880's)
The Nautilas

Any more? Nothings to over the top!