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RE: [WW] RE: WW II Skirmish

-----Original Message-----
> So, if anyone from Pinnicle is reading this, that's my suggestion.
We've been wanted to do this too.  Maybe not how you suggested... Nuff'

If you like 25-30mm skirmish, I suggest The Great Rail Wars.  I know this
doesn't solve the WWII era skirmish question, but it is a great game (and
not just because it is ours).

I'd chime in in recommending Rail Wars as well -- it's a fine game.  With
the d20 to Deadlands conversion system (available for free at
http://www.peginc.com/Files/D20Conversion.pdf), you should be able to fudge
a good conversion from Weird Wars into GRW stats, which are a modified
version of the core Deadlands rules.

There are a couple of new WWII skirmish rule sets out there as well (both
currently focus on the Eastern Front) but I suspect that they're a little
too historically based for what you want, unless you're willing to work out
a balanced house system for magic and monsters from scratch.

I hope this helps.
