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Re: [WW] XP Awards & House Rules


>  a. When NOT speaking in character did the player speak in game terms
>("Lawson has a Climb +7 and the
>    climb DC for that wall can't be more than 15.  I'll just take 10.") or
>in character terms? ("Lawson's a good
>    climber, he can do it".)

Totally agree... Every time someone decides to play it a little smart (Oh that thing only has an AC15) I get a little mean and either raise the HD or number of attackers (that come out of hiding, of course =). I also reward them for keeping it 'real' (Positive reinforcement =).

>b. When speaking in character did the player speak as the player would
>or as their character would?

Partial agree... Some players dig the speaking in or like the character others prefer the stand offish thing (I notice it really depends on their adlibing/ham skill =). I usually give more points for general keeping it in character (Especially keeping it in their characters scope of knowledge... None of that 'Oh its a troll, pull out the oil!' stuff =).

>c. Did the player contribute to the session stalling or did the player
>help to keep the session moving?

Absolutely positively 100% agree. The flow of the game is what makes of breaks the game. If a player is lollygagging I do my 6 countdown. If they don't spit it out the character uses that round 'thinking' =).

>d. Did the player play a mundane, play-it-safe, forgettable character or
>a larger-than-life, risk-taking,
>memorable character?

Partially agree... My main focus is on the character itself. I have had some great ones at my table and I prefer the ones that have a distinct flavor. Most have nothing to do with combat/hero thing. I have seen and played a few really fun ones... The one I had the best time playing was a Rastifarian Dwarf Paladin named Ganja =).

>Note that the above criteria are an "on the whole" very rough kind of
>estimation, and not a matter of being "dinged" for each instance of "bad"
>or "good" behavior.

Agreed... I never subtract points... It just don't feel right.

>A flat 75xp per level of the character in Bonus xp will be awarded for
>submissions (writings, drawings, etc.) that help flesh out the characters
>or their world.

Definitely agree... I give my players 100xp per level for 'journaling' what their character did/saw their last adventure. Turns out pretty interesting at times =)

I would add that I give 25exps x Level for every skill check made during the adventure (The drawback is that I subtract -5 for skills that are not ranked).

I also give arbitrary points for really great or inventive ideas, sacrifices made (When the player knows something but doesn't let his 'character' know) and for keeping on task (and not wandering aimlessly on some bizarre self quest, checking every ten feet of wall for secret doors, or bartering for every single transaction).

Is it me or is the experience table still need a little working on?

Until Later....................... K