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[WW] Notes

Hey all,
Hope you liked the free skirmish rules. This to me is the boiled down "nothing but" minis rules from the main book. These will be included in the upcoming minis game books as well, though they'll be redone slightly so that the examples fit the game's genre.
Saw a post about Rippers not being an RPG. It is, actually. Both Rippers and DK will be minis games AND Plot Point RPGs. Two separate products. Some of our RPGs might wind up getting minis games as well. Weird War Two is almost definitely headed for a minis game of some sort, for example, once we redo the main book and get our head on straight about the new storyline.
I know you're curious about DL and the GRW too. I have plans, but it's just not time to reveal them yet as they'll likely change. It all goes along with what it's in Reloaded though, and I think you'll find it cool. The short answer however is that if there *is* a relaunch of GRW or a Deadlands minis game of some sort, it will use these Showdown rules as their basis.
Why don't I announce these things? Because this is the gaming industry. We're doing VERY well right now but the wind might change any day and everyone goes to play a new game. All those promises just leave me with angry fans who are diehard and passionate but no longer large enough to support a release. (That's mostly what happened with DL and the whole appearance of D20.)
I'm off to Ireland for a week, so if you can hold off emails directly to me during this time it would be great.
Thanks all!