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Re: [werewolf] hunt

> No, I meant my original idea in this discussion -
> hunt. My first original idea was "Hey, Richard. Ever
> heard of Werewolf? We could do it on the server."
> > And playing is a little more interesting than
> > sitting back and 
> > watching.  Poke, poke.
> It's still the same game as when I left, and I got
> burned out. Still am. But if there were a cool new
> feature to try out, I'd be back.

I say give hunt a chance and a 25% chance he can see someone else 
that is hunting.

There is a chance that it outbalance the game and we need something 
to win swift back and keep the game interessing during the night.

So concentrate on something new, interessing and fun. The true 
information need to come from the seers, but the villagers want to do 
something during the night.

BTW I think all the villagers also the ones with special roles needs 
to be able to hunt.