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Re: [werewolf] Game 227 is forming!

"Jeroen M.W. van Dijk" <carsrac@hotmail.com> hired
an infinite number of monkeys to write:

> I personnaly think that a games started within 24 hours after it posted not 
> very ethical, but who am I???
>>Game 227 is forming. The theme is "types of puzzles": for
>>example, Sudoku, Crossword, Word-Search, Rubik's Cube, etc. It's
>>got the works as for options; it will start Friday the 30th at
>>12:00 or later Eastern Standard Time.

Then this game shouldn't be a problem for you since the message about
forming 227 was posted at almost midnight on WEDNESDAY with a noon
start time on FRIDAY.

Ted Rathkopf