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[werewolf] Games 216 and 231

Drats! How did I ever let myself get let out of Game 216? Oh well.
I must have missed it, I was on vacation while it started.

Anyway, I (bugmenot) am now using my other email address for
werewolf-users correspondence (with pbem I can simply send my
commands from any email address) because my main email provider,
gawab.com, is still receiving mail OK but it takes upwards of 15
minutes to send a message. So, just to let you know, when you get
messages from bugmenot01@bluebottle.com, it's still me.

Anyway, I am setting up game #231 so that it can fill up while game
216 is playing. It will start about 48 hours (or more if I'm not at
the computer at that time) after #216 ends. So it would be beneficial
if someone who is participating in 216 would send me a message with

message userid password bugmenot

command to let me know when #216 ends. Then I can know when to start

But now down to the good stuff. #231 is a simple werewolves,
villagers, illusionist, and angel game. The theme is "Favorite TV
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