Help for Powerdrain

  Powerdrain is Copyright 2001 by Douglas Zander and is used here with
  his permission.
  Welcome to the network Powerdrain server.  The rules of Powerdrain
  are below.  The commands are the same for all pbmserv games.

Options for Powerdrain
  Powerdrain move     
    where  consists of 4 digits, 2 which are odd digits and
    2 which are even digits.  The two pairs of digits may be separated
    by a hyphen (-).  The odd digits signify the location on the
    powergrid (board) and the even digits signify the powerplug (piece)
    which gets placed into the location.
    Examples of a move.  All these examples are the same move:
    The move is to place powerplug "24" into location "57". 
    The first digit of the location is from the left side of the board
    while the second digit of the location is from the top of the board.

  Powerdrain challenge   [-o1|-o2] [-p]
    The options are -o1 or -o2 for ordering the voltage potentials along
    the top and left side.  -o1 orders the odd digits like this: 1 3 5 7 9
    -o2 orders the odd digits like this: 7 9 1 3 5
    The option -p will allow the players to pick from a common pool of the
    16 powerplugs; the powerplugs are not randomly divided between the

Rules of Powerdrain
  Imagine you and your opponent are in a powerstation and your goal is
  to control the powergrid.  One player is positive energy (+) and the
  other player is negative energy (-).  Each player alternately places
  powerplugs into the sections of the powergrid.  After a total of 16
  powerplugs are inserted, the powergrid adjusts the voltages of each
  section of the powergrid and a winner is determined.  The winner is
  the player who has more of his own powerplugs still active.  If a tie
  occurs (both players have an equal number of active powerplugs at the
  end of the game), then the tie is broken by adding up the power levels
  of each players' active powerplugs.  The player with the greater 
  absolute power level will win the game.  There is no further tie breaker.
  When two powerplugs of opposite polarities touch on their sides, they 
  drain the energy out of each other.  A player's powerplug voltage may
  drain to zero (0) but cannot change into the enemy's polarity.  Two
  powerplugs of the same polarity cannot affect each other (they do not
  add nor subtract from each other's voltage).  An active powerplug is
  one that is not at zero (0) voltage at the end of the game when all
  16 powerplugs have been inserted into the powergrid.  A section of the
  powergrid that does not have a powerplug inserted into it is not

  The powergrid is given random voltage potential levels along the left
  side and top of the grid.  These random potentials are the 5 odd digits
  1,3,5,7,9.  The powerplugs are given two random even digits.  Each
  permutation of two even digits is represented by the 16 powerplugs.
  When a powerplug is inserted into a section of the powergrid, the voltage
  of the powerplug is determined by adding the absolute values of the 
  differences of the first digit with the left voltage potential and the
  second digit with the top voltage potential.  This is illustrated below:

       ---------  this is an example of two sections of a powergrid 
    7  | <2 4^ |  the powerplug "24" was inserted into the section "75"
       |+6  +2 |  the voltage of this plug is the sums of the absolute 
       ---------  differences (2 minus 7) plus (4 minus 5) which is 
   9   | <8 2^ |  5 + 1 = 6 and since the plug was owned by the positive
       |-4   0 |  player it was given a '+' value. 
       ---------  The first number under the plug (+6) represents
		  the value of the plug itself, without any drain from
		  negative plugs that may be on any of its four sides 
		  (above, below, on the left and right).  The second number
		  below the plug is the voltage of the plug after
		  neighboring enemy plugs are taken into account.  Notice
		  that a total of 4 volts was drained off of this plug by
		  negative plugs that were touching this plug.

    Below is an example of a finished game between player1 and player2.
    Player1 (positive player) won the game because he had 4 active plugs
    of his voltage while player2 (negative player) only had 2 active plugs
    left at the end of the game.

    Player1 has four (4) active positive plugs left. 
    plug 46 at location 91 with a voltage of +10
    plug 26 at location 93 with a voltage of +6  (4 volts were drained)
    plug 28 at location 71 with a voltage of +8  (4 volts were drained)
    plug 48 at location 15 with a voltage of +6

    Player2 only has two (2) active negative plugs left in the grid.  
    plug 68 at location 31 with a voltage of -10
    plug 84 at location 37 with a voltage of -8

       1       3       7       5       9       
   -----------------------------------------   Positive + player1 
9  | <4 6^ | <2 6^ | <4 2^ | <8 2^ | <2 2^ |   
   |+10 +10|+10 +6 |+10  0 |-4   0 |+14  0 |   
7  | <2 8^ | <6 6^ | <4 4^ |       | <2 4^ |   Negative - player2 
   |+12 +8 |-4   0 |-6   0 |       |-10  0 |   
1  | <8 8^ | <8 6^ | <6 2^ | <4 8^ |       |   
   |+14  0 |-10  0 |+10  0 |+6  +6 |       |   
5  | <6 4^ |       |       |       |       |   
   |-4   0 |       |       |       |       |   
3  | <6 8^ |       | <8 4^ |       |       |   
   |-10 -10|       |-8  -8 |       |       |   