Firetop Mountain Record for Alienhunter


vs. Gorby 0/ 1/ 0

Battle B1381, 15 turns. Heor (Gorby) won and Bobet (Alienhunter) died

vs. Stevedh 2/ 0/ 2

Battle B1416, 19 turns. AlienBob (Alienhunter) won and Snafu (Stevedh) surrendered
Battle B1428, 17 turns. Snafu (Stevedh) died and AlienBob (Alienhunter) surrendered
Battle B1455, 15 turns. AlienBob (Alienhunter) won and Gronk (Stevedh) died
Battle B1528, 7 turns. Malvern (Stevedh) forfeited and AlienBob (Alienhunter) forfeited
