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Re: [DL] Ripper Jack

--- Deadlands@aol.com wrote:
> >
> >  Ripper Jack
> >
> >  Terror; 1
Is this a typo, or has something changed in the new
system?  A terror of 1 wouldn't scare a feebled
grandmother on acid.  Maybe a terror 5 if it's
supposed to be not so scary.

I dunno about him.  The commiting suicide part are
limits his usefullness.  Maybe either have:

a) The claws as cursed gloves, ala Friday the 13th:
the series (speaking of which, has anyone used items
from that series?)

b) A snake oil salesman selling a tonic that turns
people into mutant freaks like Ripper Jack

c) A host creature which lives inside Ripper Jack. 
Whenever Ripper Jack dies, he returns to being a
normal corpse, and the last victim rises as the new
Ripper Jack.  The only way to kill him is to remove
his claws and burn them while the present Ripper is
still 'Alive'.

d) Ignore Ripper Jack and use the serial killer in LA
that's mentioned in one of the books (think it's the
Tales of Terror book)

-Munch Wolf
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