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Re: [DL] # of Chips in the Fate Pot

Well we have 8 players and me... so we doubled our pot.... 100, 50, 20... just
makes the legend rarer and works great!


Dez Lambert wrote:

> >I have 10 players and I use the standard pot size and I've never had the
> >pot
> >run dry.
> Wow! 10 players! How do you manage? I personaly don't like to run DL with
> more than 4 players as combat slows right down when things get rough. How do
> you cope with this many? I saw a post a few days ago from a guy who runs a
> 12 player group! He must have some "ring of control" as I couldn't imagine
> running a group half that size. Maybe I just have an unruly posse?
> Anyhow - as for the question: the recommended amount of fate chips should
> serve fine for a posse of your size (7?), so long as you stick to the max 10
> FC per player rule.
> Marshal "drunk" Lambert
> P.S Anyone in the Liverpool area of the UK up for beers sunday night? Just
> wonderin'....
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