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[DL] FRPGr's Bible [somewhat OT]

Just picked up the newest edition for a giggle, and noticed a few things of 

First of all, I think it's a pretty good book. Lots of trivia stuff that 
makes you go "Hmmm." (and not in a bad way), amusing lexicon of "gamer 
speak," (how many had you already heard of and/or used?) and more than a few 
mentions of Pinnacle, who weren't in ascendence during the book's first run:

"...and there are quite a few new, great games that deserve exposure 
(Pinnacle Entertainment's Deadlands...among them)." (from the author's 
explanation of "Why do a second edition?" p. ix)

PEG ranks quite high in the author's "Best of" lists, with a few of 
particular note.

"The "Most Stylish Game" Award -- Deadlands
    Starting with the brown parchment sections, Deadlands never lets up on 
putting you in that Weird West, 18th Century frame of mind. Of course, 
maintaining the Western "dialect" in the writing throughout goes a long way 
towards that as well." --(p. 206)

And one other of particular mention:

"The "Industry Folks One MUST Party With" Awards
    Times change, but the champs are still Matt Forbeck and Shane Hensley. 
Joining the Party Train are Hal Mangold and Marcelo Figueroa. Also Claudia 
"Ivanova" Christian. Yes, THAT Claudia." --(ibid).

Lots of good info in here about several games I've seen but never seriously 
looked at. Take a gander at it, even if you don't buy it. It's pretty good.
