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Re: [DL] Mood Music

While I exited my industrial music phase a while back, I still fondly 
remember two bands that will do very well in City of Gloom or HOE.  Skinny 
Puppy and Front 242.  The two songs the spring to mind are respectively for 
the above bands.  "Maggots" and "Quite Unusual"

I really apprecite this thread on songs.  Typically I listen to (as my 
fiancee calls them) terminally happy bands.

Oh, BTW I heard a tune I thought would be great for the posse when they win. 
  The kind of tune you ride out into the sunset with.  "Galveston" by Glen 
Cambell.  I know, I know, prety cheesy, but if your posse is young enough to 
not recognize it as 70's overplayed cheese, it can really be moving.  

Jeff "The day that morning broke was quite unusual."

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Nick Zachariasen" <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu>

A lot of heavy metal songs would be good to use in Junkyard.  Rock And Roll 
Ain't Noise Pollution by AC/DC seems like it would work as good music to 
play at the end of an adventure in the Mississippi Delta region.  Pink Floyd 
would be good music for really trippy scenes.

Nick "more ideas" Zachariasen

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