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[DL] Munchkin site

Hey there,
	In the long standing tradition of Real Men, Real Roleplayers, Loonies and
Munchkins, the largest collection of same has been returned to the web at


For those of you who are unfamiliar with the meaning of the term -
"munchkin" and it's derogatory connotations - this is the site to learn from.

I really think that it needs a BNW and HoE section though. . . <nudge
nudge, wink wink>  I've already offered Andy the collected ones for DL that
I have.
Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Ludwig Wittgenstein:
The possibility of "crossing" was encoded into the objects "chicken" and
"road," and circumstances came into being which caused the
actualization of this potential occurrence.