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Re: [DL] Miracles Vs. Voodoo (Goff/Alan/PEG)

In a message dated Fri, 28 Jan 2000  2:15:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, Jason Hawver <deadbeatgames@yahoo.com> writes:

> The situation is as follows: He attempted to use the
> miracle Dispell on the Voodoo spell Cemetary Gates. 
> At the time our Marshal allowed it, but upon review we
> find that the rules for Dispell printed in FAB state
> that it only affects Hexs and Dark Magic spells.  We
> would there for like verification that Voodoo spells
> are or are not affected by Dispell.  

Can do. When I wrote the Voodoo rules, I realized that, as a new arcane background, there were a number of earlier favors/miracles/hexes, etc. that would raise questions as to how it affected Voodoo spells. I chose the word "spells" for that very reason to describe Voodoo powers--but then, in typical lame-wit behavior for me, forgot to explain that very thing.

So, if a spell says it affects "spells" (even if it includes "black magic" prior to the word "spells"!) it works against Voodoo. So yes--to finally answer the question <g>--Dispel does work against Voodoo.

Hope that helps.

> Also, Jake was wondering about Ghost Magic, and if it
> is affected by Miracles such as Dispel and the gift
> Magic Resistance.  

Okay, time to reveal my ignorance (well, time to reveal it for _today_), Ghost Magic isn't ringing a bell...

John Goff