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Re: [DL] Miracles Vs. Voodoo (Goff/Alan/PEG)

> Howdy all.
> The situation is as follows: He attempted to use the
> miracle Dispell on the Voodoo spell Cemetary Gates.
> At the time our Marshal allowed it, but upon review we
> find that the rules for Dispell printed in FAB state
> that it only affects Hexs and Dark Magic spells.  We
> would there for like verification that Voodoo spells
> are or are not affected by Dispell.

I'd say they would work. F&B predates RoB by over a year, therefore, it
can't accurately be said that Dispell wouldn't cover it. In that case,
default to Marshals call.

Chris Aniballi
Predates F&B by over 22 years
"You know, there are some hallways we just don't go down; we've found it's
healthier that way" -Erik Zarkov