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[DL] Need opinion on my new Hex

What do you all think of my new Hex?  I made it up from scratch, so any
similarities between an existing hex (be it in name or description) should
be brought to my attention, please!  Let me know if any of you Marshals out
there find it to overpowering or anything?

Gambler's Luck

Speed: 1
Trait: Spirit
Duration: 1 Round/Hex slinging level
Range: Self

By invoking this Hex, the huckster can alter his own personal luck for a few
seconds (5 x the Hexslingin' Score), making it harder for someone to get a
good shot on them.  The Hex raises the armor of the huckster by a value
depending on the hand created:

			Armor Value Granted	
Ace:				-2
Pair:				-4
2 Pair:				-6
3 of a Kind:			1
Straight:			2
Flush:				3
Full House:			4	
Four of a Kind:			5
Straight Flush:			6
Royal Flush:			*

*On a Royal Flush, the Huckster can do one of two things.  He or she can
either have an AV of 8 for the duration of the effect, or place a permanent
AV of 1 to any location.   Mark it on your character sheet, whenever you
take damage to that location, you always get luck and avoid a bit of damage.

If the value is a negative, then any damage incurred by the huckster is
actually reduced by that amount.  For example, Doc wants has three actions,
and one of them is an Ace.  For his first action, he invokes Gambler's Luck.
His draw is a Pair.  On the next action, Docs' buddy Vace's rifle slug goes
wide and nails Doc in the leg.  Damage rolled is 19, which would be three
wounds, but thanks to the luck of the gambler, it is reduced to 15 points,
which is only 2 wounds.  Looks like Vace better do some quick explainin'.