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Re: [DL] Dissapointed In All of You

In a message dated Tue, 22 Feb 2000  4:20:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, Napoleon48@aol.com writes:

> How come no one but me showed up to John Goff's AOL Chat? 

This brings up a question. How interested are you folks on the list-serve in on-line chats? You comprise the active majority of our on-line fanbase in my experience.

I've held several over the past year or so--both as a freelancer and under the hat of the Deadlands Branch Manager—and invariably attendance is pretty darn low. 

As in one or two.

And most of these are advertised days in advance. Okay, not so the AOL one last night, but in general. :-)

Now, for the AOL chats, I can understand lower attendance due to lack of access. Same for Pyramid (but if you don't have a subscription, there are few places you could better spend that $15--except, of course, on our stuff <g>). 

But, on the other hand, the last Gaming Outpost chat I did was attended by me, Christopher McGlothlin, the two moderators, and one other person for a short time.

My ego is small and withered enough that I don't tie my personal worth to these things...thank God. ;-) But, what I'm really wondering is, does interest exist for these sorts of events, or does the list-serve fulfill the same purpose since we monitor it rather regularly?

Input is greatly appreciated,
