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Re: [DL] Pinkertons and Manitous (was RE: [DL] Disappointed In All of You)

>>Yes yes, but are they going to start doing it with proton packs and
>>nifty jumpsuits? Don't tell me they do _that_ already, too? I >>thought
the Pinkertons' two options were the Star Chamber and brain->>panning the
subject. I suppose I should have asked, "Are the >>Pinkertons gonna start
baggin' _free-floatin'_ Manitous?"

>I don't think so - it's not in the theme of the Weird West.

>Now in the Wasted West - I can see this, but the Weird West is more >of a
victory through willpower and grit kinda game.

>I expect the Pinkerstons to remain the shadowy men in black.
>Allan Seyberth
>Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

It wasn't until after I posted my initial response that I realized that
"Ghost Busters" _wasn't_ a typo, and that it _did_, in fact, refer to an
actual Deadlands adventure involving _the_ Ghost, not just _a_ ghost (or the
movie for which the adventure is named). Score one for knowing what you're
talking about before posting...

On a similar but completely different subject, it was recently put forth
that certain energy fields might be able to affect Hex magic. Since Hexes
are Manitou-based, might those same energy fields be able to ward off or
even contain a manitou as well? Professor Wangenstein may have some work to

Well, so much for knowing what I'm talking about before posting...

Derek D. Bass

Etheric Musings -- The Science of the Sons of Ether
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