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Re: [DL] Four Horsemen - my view [Spoilers]

  Spoiler Space

>Devil's advocate says
>though that since past and future are closely linked
>the form has been chosen and hosts are needed.  This
>bodes the question: What is so important about this
>time period?  Sure I can see Stone and Hellstrome as
>being servants since they have a big impact on future
>events, but why would the other two have to even be
>born at this time?  As I understand it it's several
>years before the bombs are dropped and the horsemen

Well - one reason would be power investment.  The servants created now
would have the strongest ability.

Treat it more as a avatar - as soon as the door was opened each Reckoner
chose a champion.  Now, there is nothing saying that these champions
survive until the actual Reckoning - in fact in Hell On Earth it flat out
states that Grimme bites it long before the Reckoning.  [I still want that
title shot, John!]
I imagine that Famine then chose another champion to step up - but that
said champion would be weaker, comparitively speaking.  It may not have had
the time to develop fully now that the forces of good are "awake" and
fighting back.  The current champions were all created before the Agency
and Rangers were organized to fight.

 Likewise for the anti-horsemen, why would
>they even be born at this time?  Ghandi would make a
>nice anti-war.  Of course the whole idea of anti-horse
>men confuses me.  Why would the forces of good feel
>obliged to play by evil's rules?  

They aren't - but our discussion isn't "official" storyline.  But it does
provide a nice sense of symmetry about the setting.  When it comes down to
it, it should be your players who are the Champions of Light. . . 
Hey. . . 
I might just promote one of my players.

>Why did the forces
>of good let evil manipulate time and change the
>future?  What exactly would these anti-horsemen do to
>counteract their evil counterparts?

To quote Dark Helmet, "Evil always triumphs because Good is stupid."

Evil cheated.
I like to think that the energy expended in cheating weakened the Reckoners
enough that they could actually be defeated in the HoE setting.
That may even be why they dissappeared after subjugating the world.
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Old Testament: 
And rooster and hen were married.  And rooster did begat chicken.  And
chicken did cross the road.