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Re: [DL] My deadland pbem and other stuff [John]

In a message dated Fri, 3 Mar 2000  1:09:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, Allan Seyberth <darious@darious.com> writes:

> >> >Also why did they leave out Napoleon House tavern the most famous drinking
> >> >place in New Orleans?,
> >> 
> >
> >It wasn't built until 1814. How's that?
> About 65 years /before/ the current timeline.  :-)

And that's what happens when I answer mail instead of going to bed at a reasonable time.... :-)

It was built in 1814, but it wasn't a tavern when it was first built. It was home to a Mayor Girad who offered his home as sanctuary to Napoleon should he escape imprisonment. While interesting, two things kept me from using it. 

One, the story didn't really _grab_ me when I was writing the book. Fleshing it out to the point where it did would have taken more space than I had left in the book. Sorry.

Second, I'm still unable to pin down exactly when the tavern became a tavern. Whenever possible, I try to stick to real world dates; it's a quirk (I got 1 character point for it).

I used a number of historical drinking establishments(only one in the book is fictitious), but I chose mainly those that had a Deadlands flavor to their legends. The Old Absinthe House made it in because it has the distinction of being possibly the oldest standing tavern in the New World (and that only takes a sentence or two to explain <g>).
