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Re: [DL] Discussion on RVC2, and Spoilers

In a message dated Thu, 9 Mar 2000  6:30:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, The Baron Samedi <baron11@netmcr.com> writes:


> Also, just what the souce of 
> Pannaggalin is that is so rare was unlisted unless I missed it.

There are a number of different stories as to the origin. According to one tradition, it comes from a woman performing a Malaysian penance ceremony which, among other things, involved her sitting in a wooden vat used for holding vinegar derived from tree sap (need I go further?).

Another is that the creature originated from a woman who, through use of the black arts, learned to fly. However, in doing so, her head and neck were ripped from her body, dragging her entrails with them...

It's not really a contagious type of vampirism, as you can no doubt see...:-)

To be honest, I chose not to include the origin stories in RVC II, because I thought, to a Western-oriented reader, they might detract from the horror of the creature (somewhat confessed ethno-centric that I am). The reference in the Vampirism chapter to the origins was a poor choice of words on my part. :-)

> I liked the Legionaries, though I thought that Stating so many individual 
> Hangin' Judges was a bit much.

Sorry to hear that--they were one of my favorites. We felt giving each of the original five a distinct personality and abilities would make them less "cookie-cutter." In fact, I'm toying with the idea of a central Texas campaign built around eliminating the Judges...

> Let may 
> say I REALLY liked Springheel Jack!  I may, however, have him occasionally 
> lapse back to his old tricks.  

Cool—glad to hear it!

> Let me say that Dr. Jenson's missive may be one of the most chilling things 
> I have read in a Deadlands book yet, especially the last paragraph.  Very, 
> very good work! (Reminds me of the feeling I get from Lamboch's letter in 
> Libellus Sanguinus I from WW, which is a compliment from me!)

Which is exactly how I'll take it. Thanks a lot for the good word!
> I did like the systems for Vampires and Lycanthropes  My one complaint, I 
> guess, would be basic survival is too hard for Vampires.  For Werewolves 
> and Anti-Templars (in HoE), the other folks who have to deal with 
> Corruption traits, have to do so only when calling upon their power too 
> much.  

Actually...Werewolves and Anti-Templars gain Corruption whenever they use their tainted powers at all. Remember, the regular Rewards of Anti-Templars aren't necessarily derived from the Reckoners. Werewolves pull Corruption whenever they voluntarily change. Vampires only pull Corruption when they consume human blood. Okay, so it's their primary source of survival <g>, but there are ways around it.

One way is to _really_ work to do good and accumulate those Legend chips. Either you're a saint of a vampire, or you're a monster.
