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Re: [DL] Question about new Hex's!!!

Allan Seyberth wrote:
> Hey there,
> >Here is my question, what if you lose a point of Hexslingin' to brain drain
> >(a form of backlash) or some other means?  When you buy it back, do you get
> >another Hex?
>         Not so easy there - I'd say that when your hexslinging dropped a level,
> you lost the ability to cast one of your hexes at random.  When the
> hexslinging is brought back up, then access to the previously lost hex
> returns.
>         I'm a bit out on a limb on this one - as I don't have anything in the
> books or accumulated rulings to back it up, so let me forward this on to
> John Goff (Brand manager, author Hexes and Hucksters) for his take.

I'd say that you wouldn't lose any hexes (Blessed don't loose any miracles for slips in Faith), but you
wouldn't gain another hex until you made up the lost levels first.

ie: If you had Hexslingin': 4 and lost a point, you would raise it to a 4, but you wouldn't get another
hex.  When you raise it from 4 to 5, you would get a new hex as normal.

I'd say the same thing about Blessed and Faith.

> -------------------
> Allan Seyberth
> darious@darious.com
> Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands
> Why did the chicken cross the road?
> JFK:
> The chicken chose to cross the road in this decade not because it was easy,
> but because it was hard.

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