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Re: [DL] Converting older books

At 12:48 AM 3/13/00 -0500, you wrote:
>that Grit is now maxed out at 5.... in H&H there is stuff for atleast 5 Grit
>and 10 Grit

Got it - from the Accumulated Rulings.

Grit: Changes in Revised Edition
C)	Grit (22): We got rid of the whole concept of "fearmongers." Too many
folks just couldn't decide who or what a fearmonger was. From now on, award
Grit when your posse defeats a major evil—it's your call if the end of any
adventure is worthy. Also, a character's maximum Grit is 5, and it can now
be lost by going bust on a guts check made against a TN of 9 or higher.
[Shane Hensley, DL listserv, 5/28/99] 

Grit: New cap
Q)	Is the new cap on Grit (limit 5) retroactive for the Deadlands books as
well? - Darious
A)	*We* consider both changes official,(ed note: See Fate Chips: Red) but
it's YOUR game. Use them as you wish--especially the Grit business. I
wouldn't change Grit if it's not a problem in your game. If it is, cap it
at 10, or 5 if no one's gotten that high yet. [Shane Hensley, HoE listserv,
Q)	It is in HoE.  When asked, Shane said that this should apply to
Deadlands as well. It seems like the initial intent was to try to keep the
rules as cohesive as possible between the two, although there seem to be
quite a few exceptions.  I don't if Grit should be an exception or not...
A)	Yep. Grit should be limited to 5, but that causes a problem I didn't
think about until after HOE came out. The problem occurs with something
neat that might happen in H&H (page 108). What I would suggest is simply
changing the reference in H&H to read "Aces don't bother with heroes with
less than 5 Grit." [Shane Hensley, DL listserv, 1/13/99]
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Why did the chicken cross the road?

The chicken chose to cross the road in this decade not because it was easy,
but because it was hard.