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Re: [DL] VOTWW points

| I'm finally getting the chance to be a player and as I own the original 
| deadlands book I don't have the rules for VOTWW within easy reach.  The
| points you get are spent like bounty points correct?

From the FAQ (enjoy!):

Q) Shane, it'd sure be nice to get an official clairification on VotWW. Are
the points 'character points', or Bounty Points? - mcgirt

A) They're plain old character points. I guess I don't really understand
this whole conversation. When we play, the folks who take VotWW inevitably
get screwed. And if they don't, so what? Any character can die. If you
think characters ought to start with a few more points, leave the Edge
alone and let players take the risk if they want. If you think it makes
characters too powerful (I don't), then don't use it. [Shane Hensley, DL
listserv, 8/03/98]

B.D. Flory