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[DL] New Usenet newsgroup proposed - semi-OT

Hey guys, 
	This is just on a new newsgroup thatsome folks are trying to get started,
to bypass the current rec.games.frp.misc group.  FYI.  If you know of any
other newsgroups whose members might be interested, and you won't break any
listserv rules doing so, could you pass on Bruce Baugh's message below.  

NOTE: I do not seek to trigger an extended discussion of this matter here.
Comments belong on news.groups. I won't be posting 
further about it, just wanted to inform people who may be interested and 
wouldn't hear about it otherwise.


There's a proposal currently in RFD (Request For Discussion) phase for a 
new gaming newsgroup, rec.games.frp.moderated. It would be a moderated 
equivalent to rec.games.frp.misc - discussion of whatever topics don't have 
newsgroups of their own, moderated to restrain flame and abuse.

The proposed charter and related documentation are posted at 
http://www.black-gate.com/extrico/ for your perusal. The successive 
proposals have appeared in news.announce.newgroups and been cross-posted to 
news.groups, rec.games.frp.misc, and rec.games.frp.announce. Discussion 
takes place primarily in news.groups.

I'm one of the proponents, but I'm doing my best to keep this announcement 
neutral. :) If you do now or have in the past used rec.games.frp.misc, 
check out the proposal to see if it looks like something that you would 
use. The actual CFV (Call For Votes) will be posted to the same set of 
newsgroups sometime in the new few weeks; all votes from interested parties 
are welcome, within the guidelines (which are linked to at the Web site and 
appear summarized in the CFV itself).

To reiterate, this is just a pointer, and not an invitation for discussion. 
Questions and comments belong on news.groups. Thanks!

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Why did the chicken cross the road?

The chicken chose to cross the road in this decade not because it was easy,
but because it was hard.