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Re: [DL] Necronomicon?


Remember one thing: Don't force the book on the
character. If he don't wanna use it, then he's not
gonna enjoy it bein' forced down his throat.
But here's my suggestion...

If ye make it so dang temptin' not te use it. Lesse...
an example... oh yeh. How about ye let him heal any
wounds he makes with his own hands/wielded weapons.
And the ye put him in a situation where he needs to
get information BAD outta this bad guy- make him
really evil, like a rapist or something. Then make
sure that yer player knows the only way to get the
info is by torture- but he can heal any wounds he
makes. Only the most holy of players wouldn't at least
THINK about it.

Or give him the ability to possess people like a
manitou. I would say that this isn't -necessarily-
evil, but that it's kinda like lettin' an arsonist
hold a blazin' torch for 'just one minute'.

I would personally give the player-character a shot at
redemtion very late on. But if he doesn't want it then
let the dang fool get his face kicked in by the real

   -Marshal Thorn (Tinhorn n' proud).

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