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[DL] RE: Necronomicon adventure ideas

Well, the necronomicon has been used in at least two forms thus far in
Deadlands.  Once in the web adventure seed on the web (now to be found
at:  http://www.peginc.com/deadlands/Epitaph/TEGrob.html ) and once it
was listed with two other dark books here on the listserv by Ray
Johnson (are you still with us?), the other two books being the
Darkhold and the Grand Grimoire (from DC comics and ??? respectively). 
The second version for those keeping score is the Evil Dead/Army of
Darkness version and can be found at
http://www.darious.com/deadlands/listserv/DLTomes.html .  Also, a
kinda-sorta version could be produced using the Call of
Cthulhu/Deadlands crossover adventure Adios A-Migos which, I believe
has a section in the back concerning dark tomes.  However, I don't
think that any of these would be what you are looking for though the
one on the PEG website might be closest.

Bryce "how do I remember all this stuff?" Perry

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