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Re: [DL] Monster Survey (long [as in long message, not you Steve])

Saw this topic and had to tell this one.....

I have used the ever popular Hangin' Judge twice.     Second time was a 
pretty standard use I'm sorry ta say, but ahhhhh the first time!

Here's the scene..... Posse's camped for the night along that ever-so-much 
fun Chisolm Trail (hey.....I even WARNED them!).       At this time, they are 
all very new characters, and the one on watch (I STILL try ta get 'em ta call 
it 'nighthawk'!) just HAPPENS to have the hinderance Yeller.     He hears a 
noise in the darkness, take up a lantern and goes to investigate.     Of 
course, the durn lantern blows out and our poor hero(?) has to light one of 
his precious matches.     As it flares, he sees he is face to "face" with a 
Hangin' Judge who promptly raps, "You ain't th' one.....yet!" and blows out 
the match.       Next morning, the Posse awakens to find him gone.     After 
a search that turns up nothing but the fact that he is gone w/out any of his 
possessions or horse, they ride on the rest of the way to their destination, 
where they find the poor sap, drunk and still drinkin' in the saloon with a 
big pee stain on his trousers.       Yeah...... I know.....not the proper use 
of a Judge.      But DANG, was it funny!     Seems like that one incident has 
the whole posse, to this very day, worried about what I have waitin' fer 'em 
in th' dark.     heh heh heh

Later Days
("In every world, every dimension, every Plane of Existence...I AM the REBEL! 